Decommissioning: The art of exit

Commissioners need to become adept at decommissioning. At a time of significant and sustained reductions in public spending and rising demand, commissioners are tasked to release funding for investment in effective models of service by actively challenging and taking resources out of less effective approaches. Drawing on examples of decommissioning and innovation from across the [read the full story…]
Mapping chronic disease risk from GP data: geovisualisation of risk

An innovative study to describe chronic disease risk in Tower Hamlets brought geographers and clinicians together. Objective To test the feasibility of bringing together epidemiological and environmental data to prepare small-area geospatial maps of chronic disease risk Study design Cross-sectional geospatial analysis using electronic record data collected routinely in general practice, taking type 2 diabetes [read the full story…]
Collaborating for cost effectiveness : CIPFA reports on “Sharing the Gain”

For clinical commissioning groups and commissioning support services moving to agree Service Level Agreements this summer, this ‘how-to’ guide on developing and running shared public services is one for the week-end reading pile. Reducing costs via collaborative working is high on the agenda for public service bodies. “Sharing the Gain” from CIPFA (the leading professional [read the full story…]
What makes a good commissioning manager?

As general practitioners take the lead on commissioning for the NHS in England, a qualitative study of GPs and managers from four primary care trusts (PCTs) reports that active management of disparate groups leadership is a success factor, and that organisational processes may be a hindrance. The team from the School of Community-based Medicine, University [read the full story…]
Commissioning for maximum value – gaining social return on investment

A good read, this guidance may be an eye opener for NHS commissioners new to the game and wishing to rise above the minutiae of clinical redesign to look, in the round, at the steps involved in commissioning. It presents the principles on social return on investment in public service that can be applied to [read the full story…]
Must-Knows on health and wellbeing: in bite sized chunks

Health services are new territory for many Local Authority Councillors yet they will increasingly be required to get involved. Elected members and local authority staff play a key role in improving the health of our communities. Supporting innovation and improvement LG Improvement and Development focuses on the issues that are important to councils, using tried and [read the full story…]
Modelling individual patient hospital expenditure for GP budgets. Needs based target allocation

The NHS in England has introduced a system of budgets for general practices covering hospital expenditure for the patients on their lists. Calculating a needs-based target allocation This report from the Centre for Health Economics describes a procedure for calculating a needs-based target allocation for general practices. The approach differs from previous utilisation based modelling [read the full story…]
Involving older people in commissioning: more power to their elbow?

This study of older people’s wishes and experiences of commissioning health and personal care services published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation was conducted by researchers from the London School of Economics. Key aims of the research: The aim was to understand how far, and with what effect, older people were involved in commissioning: 1. to [read the full story…]
Case management: what it is and how it can best be implemented? The King’s Fund reports

It is widely accepted that case management is a valid approach for managing individuals with highly complex needs and long-term conditions. This highly readable report provides a welcome overview. Structure of the report This paper examines: What is case management? Core components? Case finding Assessment Care planning Care co-ordination Care closure How is case management [read the full story…]
Does assistive technology as a remote intervention make a difference for patients with long term conditions?

The Whole System Demonstrator programme is the largest randomised control trial of telehealth and telecare in the world. One of the most complex trials ever undertaken by the Department of Health, it was set up in May 2008 to provide a clear evidence base to support investment decisions. The research proposition was : Does the [read the full story…]