Sophie Large

Profile photo of Sophie Large
Sophie currently works as Service Manager and Senior Practitioner at a young carers service in London. She has an undergraduate BSc in Psychology and an MSc from UCL in Health Psychology. Sophie is passionate about the interconnection between mental and physical health and community-based interventions. Her interests include adult and young carers, parental mental illness, adverse childhood experiences and volunteering.


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How do unaccompanied children cope with the experience of forced migration?


Sophie Large explores an qualitative research study that looks into young refugees experiences of coping after experiencing unaccompanied forced migration.

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Volunteering in later life: good for our physical health, but more evidence needed on mental health


Sophie Large summarises a recent Campbell Systematic Review, which explores the impact of volunteering on the physical and mental health of older volunteers.

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Care farms: can they help with depression, anxiety and quality of life?


In her debut blog, Sophie Large appraises a recent Campbell systematic review exploring the impact of care farms on quality of life, depression and anxiety among different population groups.

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