Sergio Uribe

Profile photo of Sergio Uribe
Sergio Uribe, DDS, MSc, PhD Sergio is a Specialist (MSc) in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and PhD in Medical Sciences. He works as an Associate Professor and Leading Researcher in the Bioinformatics Unit and the Department of Oral Health and Conservative Dentistry at Riga Stradins University, Riga, Latvia, and as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile.


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Caries risk models – Predictive performance

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Sergio Uribe in his first Dental ELf blog looks at this review of the predictive performance of seven caries risk assessment models. While the findings suggest a resonable performance from the full and reduced Cariogram more high quality studies are needed in particular in relation to communication of risk to patients and its impact.

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