Sasha Danilina

Profile photo of Sasha Danilina
Sasha is a PhD student at UCL studying in the Division of Psychiatry. Her key areas of interest are serious video games and their effectiveness in mental health, particularly psychosis. She has completed a BSc in Psychology at the University of Nottingham and an MSc in Clinical Mental Health at UCL. Her current PhD project concerns the design of a serious video game to assist those with psychosis.


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Serious games for mental health: you cannot be serious!


Sasha Danilina is encouraged by the results of the first systematic review with meta-analysis of serious games for mental health, which asks: are they accessible, feasible and effective?

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Gamification for health and wellbeing


Sasha Danilina publishes her debut blog about a recent literature review on the effectiveness of gamification applied to health and wellbeing.

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