Sarah Steeg

Profile photo of Sarah Steeg
Sarah works as a Presidential Fellow in mental health epidemiology at the University of Manchester. She is interested in primary care and follow-up management following self-harm and population-level approaches to suicide prevention. She has a particular interest in utilising large-scale population healthcare datasets to examine risk factors, treatment and outcomes following self-harm.


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COVID trauma response: pandemics require trauma-informed mental health support


Sarah Steeg reviews the new trauma-informed guidance for healthcare workers, developed by the COVID Trauma Response Working Group from UCL and the Camden and Islington NHS Trust. The guidance aims to provide a coordinated, trauma-informed and evidence-based psychological response to the COVID outbreak.

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In harm’s way: psychiatric diagnosis and risks of being subjected to and perpetrating violence


Sarah Steeg discusses a cohort study finding that people with a psychiatric diagnosis are 3-4 times more likely to be a victim or perpetrator of violence.

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