Sam Jee

Profile photo of Sam Jee
Dr Sam Jee currently works as a research associate at The University of Manchester and has a background in cognitive psychology and educational research. He has a particular interest in the causes and treatment of anxiety disorders and has worked as an Assistant Psychologist in the private sector and as a support worker for Anxiety UK, a national charity. Sam is also a co-founder, and major contributor, to a popular anxiety blog ( You can follow the twitter feed for beating your anxiety blog: @anxietybeating


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Anxiety in young people with learning disabilities: prevalence and assessment


Anxiety disorders are estimated to affect over 3% of children and young adults in the UK, but it is less clear how common such disorders might be amongst children and adolescents with learning disabilities.

Here, in his debut blog, Sam Jee looks at a systematic review which looks at what we know about the prevalence and measurement of anxiety in children and adolescents with learning disabilities.

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