Ruby Jarvis

Profile photo of Ruby Jarvis
Ruby Jarvis is a second-year PhD student in the UCL Division of Psychiatry specializing in qualitative research on decision-making processes in medication management within Early Intervention for Psychosis services. Her work explores the intricate dynamics of how decisions about medication for mental health are made in clinical settings, aiming to improve outcomes for individuals experiencing early psychosis. Alongside this, she is investigating the quality of media reporting of the suicide of a female celebrity, with a particular focus on how suicide is represented in the media and its impact on public perceptions of suicide. Such work has benefited from her past experience in journalism, and her wider interest in suicide prevention research and policy. She has also conducted policy-focused mental health research for the UCL Mental Health Policy Research Unit, gaining skills in evidence synthesis, and furthering her interest in the development of policies that support mental health initiatives. She is currently working on a mixed methods study exploring physical punishment and child outcomes in the UK.


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Enhancing mental health care for autistic individuals: bridging gaps and breaking barriers


Today Ruby Jarvis presents two new reviews from the Mental Health Policy Research Unit, which summarise the adjustments that clinicians can make to improve mental health care for autistic children, young people and adults.

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