Rose Tomlins

Profile photo of Rose Tomlins
Rose completed an undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of York before working as a Family Support Worker for people with acquired brain injury and their families. She went on to complete an MSc in Psychology at Coventry University and has since worked as a Research Assistant within a Community Learning Disability Service, where she is involved with a range of research projects and evaluations. She particularly enjoys being able to support clinicians in the service to develop their ideas into research projects.


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Challenging behaviour in children with Fragile X syndrome

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In this blog, Rose Tomlins considers a recent paper, which focuses on expanding the evidence base for efficacy of using functional analysis with children who have Fragile X syndrome and severely challenging behaviour.

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Frailty predicting care intensity in older people with learning disabilities?


In this blog, Rose Tomlins considers a study which explores the use of the Frailty Index to predict increased intensity of care for older adults with learning disabilities.

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Cognitive or behavioural components in group therapy for people with mild learning disabilities and depression?

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There is a growing evidence base that with the right modifications, people with learning disabilities can benefit from cognitive behavioural approaches to treating depression.

Here, Rose Tomlins looks at a study which looked at the impact of cognitive, behavioural or joint strategies.

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What is it like to receive or use restraint interventions? A systematic review of the literature


Whilst there is a good deal of research into the use of physical interventions in the management of challenging behaviour, there is less available on the way these are experienced by people receiving them, or the staff and family carers involved.

Here, Rose Tomlins looks at a review of the literature that focused on these experiences.

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Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing to treat PTSD in people with learning disabilities

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There is now evidence of the effectiveness of eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing for the treatment of symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.

In her debut blog, Rose Tomlins looks at a review of the evidence of this approach for people with learning disabilities.

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