Raluca Lucacel

Profile photo of Raluca Lucacel
Raluca is a PhD Candidate at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca. Her main research interests are centered on attitudes towards aging the aging process, and aging processes aimed at improving the welfare of the elderly. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is a board certified clinical psychologist who aims to reduce the psychological distress and enhance/promote the psychological well-being of individuals.


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What factors can ameliorate cognitive ageing?

Old man

Raluca Lucacel summarises a systematic review of individually modifiable risk factors to ameliorate cognitive ageing. The study included Mediterranean diet, Tai Chi, Soy isoflavones, B Vitamins and Vitamin D.

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Can higher educational attainment help lower dementia risk?


Raluca Lucacel summarises a recent meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies, which investigates the dose-response between education and the risk of dementia.

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CBT for anxiety in dementia


Raluca Lucacel summarises a recent pilot randomised controlled trial of CBT for anxiety in dementia, which aims to find out if a cognitive behavioural therapy manual can be used to treat anxiety in people with dementia.

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Internet based interventions for depression: how can we increase acceptance?


Raluca Lucacel summarises an RCT of Internet based interventions for depression, which finds that a brief informational video shown to people with depression before they receive their treatment, helps to increase their acceptance of the Internet based intervention.

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Psychotherapy can reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence of depression


Raluca Lucacel summarises a meta-analysis of psychological interventions in preventing recurrence of depression, which includes trials on cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

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Do we stigmatise mental illness more as we age?


Raluca Lucacel writes her debut blog about an age-period-cohort analysis, which investigates how attitudes towards people with mental illness worsen during the course of life.

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