I am an epidemiologist by background and my PhD was focused on the role of modifiable risk factors (dietary pattern and exercise) for improved body composition, muscle health and quality of life in older adults. I am now working in the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health where I am enjoying the crossover between public health/epidemiology and women’s health issues that motivate me greatly, e.g., menstrual experiences, particularly pain, and menstrual-mental health intersections including PMDD. I also supervise a PhD student who is focusing on the role of IUS insertion timing on breastfeeding rates in new mothers.
Dr Rachel Reid-McCann discusses the latest research on dosage of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) and the risk of depression. A well conducted study from Denmark “provides evidence of a dose-dependent association between LNG exposure and risk of subsequent depression across three dosages”.