Phoebe McKenna-Plumley

Phoebe is an ESRC-funded PhD student at the Centre for Improving Health-Related Quality of Life, School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast. Her PhD research focuses on loneliness across the lifespan, with a specific interest in the subjective experience of loneliness and its dimensions (namely social, emotional, and existential dimensions). Phoebe completed her BA in Psychology at NUI Galway and MRes in Social Science Research at Queen’s University Belfast. She has previously worked on research regarding health, well-being, social development, and multisensory integration at Queen’s University Belfast, the University of Padua, and the National University of Ireland, Galway in student and research assistant roles. In the past year, Phoebe has also co-founded the Early Career Loneliness Research Network, which aims to provide a space for Masters, PhD, and early postdoctoral researchers studying loneliness to build community, share ideas, and develop pathways to collaboration.