Michelle Lim

Dr Michelle Lim is currently a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology Swinburne University of Technology. Dr Lim is the head of the Social Health and Wellbeing Laboratory. The aim of this laboratory is to generate rigorous research related to loneliness. Specifically, the aim of the research is to develop and design evidence-based and consumer relevant interventions that can effectively target loneliness. Dr Lim’s main target group has been in young people aged 16 to 25 years.
Dr Lim is also a registered Clinical Psychologist and is a full member of the Australian Psychological Society. She received her PhD at the University of Melbourne and postdoctoral training at the Anxiety and Psychotherapy Laboratory at Washington University in St Louis, USA. She obtained her Master of Clinical Psychology at RMIT University. Dr Lim holds multiple collaborations throughout Victoria, including Eastern Health, Alfred Headspace and Orygen Youth Mental Health.