Matt Field

Matt Field
I'm a Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield, where I work with colleagues to investigate addiction, particularly alcohol and gambling problems. Our research has a broad scope, including laboratory work testing psychological processes in addiction, right through to studies of new treatments.


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Functional alternatives to alcohol: desirable effects, but without the harm?


Matt Field summarises a review led by David Nutt, which presents our current knowledge of how alcohol mediates its effects in the brain, and how we can exploit this knowledge to develop functional safe alternatives to alcohol.

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Cognitive bias modification for addiction: are we flogging a dead horse?


Matt Field considers a recent meta-analysis that explores the effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification interventions for substance addictions.

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Alcohol use disorder and increased mortality

Hand on pint

Matt Field summarises a recent Swedish longitudinal cohort study of alcohol use disorder and mortality across the lifespan. This study quantifies the environmental and genetic risk factors that contribute to increased mortality in people with alcohol use disorder.

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Nalmefene for alcohol dependence: new evidence casts doubt over NICE recommendations


Matt Field presents new evidence on the risks and benefits of nalmefene in the treatment of adult alcohol dependence, which casts further doubt over the controversial recommendations made by NICE and the European Medicines Agency.

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Are e-cigarettes a gateway to tobacco smoking in youth?


Matt Field sets the record straight by providing a thoughtful and measured appraisal of the recent US cohort study linking e-cigarette use in young people with progression to regular tobacco smoking.

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E-cigarettes and youth: are e-cigs encouraging more use of conventional cigarettes?


Matt Field reviews the recent cross-sectional survey of e-cigarettes and conventional cigarette use in US adolescents, which found that E-Cig users were more likely to also smoke regular cigarettes than non-users. Does this mean that E-cigarettes encourage the use of conventional cigarettes?

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Internet-based alcohol and cannabis prevention: Climate Schools and salami slicing

Matt Field summarises the findings of a recent cluster RCT that uses internet-based prevention (an Australian programme called Climate Schools) to reduce alcohol and cannabis use, truancy, psychological distress and moral disengagement.

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CBT and motivational interviewing are effective treatments for comorbid alcohol use disorders and depression, says new meta-analysis


Alcohol use disorder is frequently comorbid with major depressive disorder, and the disease burden associated with this dual diagnosis is considerably greater than that attributed to each disorder in isolation. This creates a problem for clinicians who are trying to treat depressed problem drinkers, because many services are set up to deal with only one [read the full story…]