Maria Giorgalli

Profile photo of Maria Giorgalli
Maria has a BSc in Psychology from the University of Sheffield, UK and an MSc in Clinical Mental Health Sciences from UCL, UK. She has worked as a research assistant at UCL in the 'ARIES' study, a feasibility study of a digital mental health intervention, 'my Journey 3', aiming to support recovery in psychosis. She has also worked in the NIHR Policy Research Unit at UCL. Currently, she works for Scope, a leading disability-equality charity in the field, where she delivers primary research using semi-structured interviews, focus groups, quantitative and digital research tools.


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Digital technology for better mental health services: perspectives from Australia and the USA


Maria Giorgalli summarises a recent review on the use of digital technology to improve mental health services, based on the healthcare systems of Australia and the USA.

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After the crisis: self-management and peer-support

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Jenny Collom, Maria Giorgalli and Derek Tracy welcome a new RCT published yesterday in The Lancet which demonstrates the benefits of peer-supported self-management for people discharged from a mental health crisis team.

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