Magenta Simmons

Profile photo of Magenta Simmons
A/Prof Magenta Simmons (she/her) is a Principal Research Fellow and Head of Youth Involvement Research at Orygen and the Centre for Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne. The Youth Involvement in Research team conducts research into shared decision making, peer support, and the involvement of young people with lived and living experience in research as collaborators and leaders. Magenta’s work is dedicated to redressing the historical exclusion of young people from making decisions about their own mental health care, the mental health workforce and active partners or leaders in research.


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Peer support interventions delivered by paid peer and family workers: an umbrella review


Magenta Simmons and Belle Boland consider an umbrella review on the effectiveness and implementation of peer support interventions in mental health.

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Peer support in mental health: understanding the evidence base, current challenges, and future opportunities #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Magenta Simmons and Ellie Brown summarise a recent review on peer support for adults with mental health challenges, and present early findings from their active ingredients review on peer support for youth anxiety and depression.

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