Liz Sampson

Liz is clinical professor in dementia and palliative care at the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department. She leads the Centre for Dementia Palliative Care Research and is PI on the ESRC/NIHR EMBED-Care (Empowering Better End of Life Dementia Care) programme Her work focusses on key clinical issues for people with dementia who are reaching the end of their lives. Main areas are; epidemiology and health services research on dementia and delirium in acute hospital patients, research on better understanding and management of common symptoms towards the end of life (pain, delirium and difficulty swallowing) and developing and testing interventions to improve care. She is PI for the EMBED-Care programme Liz works as a consultant in Liaison Psychiatry at North Middlesex University Hospital with Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust. When not working she is a dedicated parkrunner.