Liam Mackay

Profile photo of Liam Mackay
Liam completed the MSc in Clinical Mental Health Sciences at the UCL Division of Psychiatry and is currently working as an Assistant Psychologist in the Digital Psychological Service in NHS Lanarkshire. Liam has a keen interest in LGBTQ+ mental health research. Liam was awarded the Michael King Prize Studentship from the UCL Institute of Mental Health and Division of Psychiatry and will be starting a PhD in September 2023. Liam’s PhD aims to improve the way that mental health professionals work with people from sexual minorities.


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Sexual minorities, suicide and self-harm: new research in England deepens our understanding


In his debut blog, Liam Mackay summarises a recent study that shows an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and non-suicidal self-harm in bisexual and lesbian/gay individuals. The study also highlights common mental health problems, discrimination and bullying as potential contributors to this excess risk.

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