Laura Hemming

Profile photo of Laura Hemming
Laura is a currently working as a research fellow at the La Trobe School of Rural Health. Laura completed her PhD at the University of Manchester where she explored the role of emotions in male prisoner suicide and violence. Her background is in Psychology and mental health and she is particularly passionate about suicide prevention, forensic psychology and the mental health of children and young people. Laura is a strong advocate for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research and the accessible and widespread dissemination of research findings. Laura has been a project co-ordinator for The Mental Elf since 2019. She is currently in charge of taking mental health research events in Australasia #BeyondTheRoom. Please get in contact with her if you would like to discuss this further.


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Staff views on digital self-management of severe mental illness


Laura Hemming presents a recent qualitative study of staff views on the use of the Internet and smartphones for digital self-management of severe mental health problems.

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The weekend effect in mental health services: new evidence suggests no increased risk of suicide, inpatient mortality or seclusion


Laura Hemming reviews two recent studies that investigate whether patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital at the weekend had worse clinical outcomes, as well as the specific weekend versus weekday incidences of suicide in very high-risk mental health patients.

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Self-stigma interventions for people with schizophrenia

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Laura Hemming explores a recent narrative review and meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions for self-stigma in people with a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis.

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Street connected children and youth: causes of homelessness in developed and developing countries


Laura Hemming reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which explores the causes of child and youth homelessness in developed and developing countries.

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What happens to people after discharge from secure psychiatric hospital?


Laura Hemming considers a recent systematic review of patient outcomes following discharge from secure psychiatric hospitals. The review finds that patients from secure units have a higher chance of mortality and suicide following discharge, than people from other settings.

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IPT and CBT best for depression in children and young people, says network meta-analysis


Laura Hemming summarises a recent network meta-analysis of psychotherapies for depression in children and young people, which finds that Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) were significantly more efficacious than other psychotherapies at post-treatment and follow-up.

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