Krysia Canvin

Dr Krysia Canvin is a health services researcher with over 20 years’ experience during which time she has written and contributed to around 80 articles, chapters, reports and presentations. Her expertise lies in the use of qualitative methods, especially Grounded Theory. Her research spans two main areas: (i) personal experiences of health, mental health and wellbeing, and (ii) professional and public experiences of policy, service delivery and health and social interventions. Krysia is especially interested in individuals’ perceptions and experiences of coercion and inequalities. Much of her work has therefore been with vulnerable and marginalised groups (e.g. people with mental illness, minority ethnic groups, people in financial / social deprivation), and involved undertaking fieldwork in challenging settings (e.g. prisons, hospitals). Over the course of her career, Krysia has worked at the University of Liverpool, University of Oxford and is currently at the University of Leeds.