Kate Chartres

Profile photo of Kate Chartres
Kate is a Nurse Consultant for the Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wears NHS Foundation Trust and works as a therapist. She is an expert leader and mentor, guiding the Newcastle Psychiatric Liaison Team. Kate prides herself on her direct and pragmatic approach to nursing leadership, keeping complex issues simple. She also represents nursing at a national level in a number of forums in Liaison Services. Her interests involve Liaison psychiatry, personality disorders/ complex trauma, EMDR and persistent physical symptoms.


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Half of all frontline health workers were mentally ill during early months of COVID-19 pandemic


Kate Chartres and Dafni Katsampa summarise a systematic review exploring anxiety, depression, trauma-related, and sleep disorders among healthcare workers during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Acute care provision in general hospitals for people diagnosed with personality disorder

Hospital corridor and doctor as a blurred defocused background

Kate Chartres summarises a recent mixed-methods study of the healthcare received by patients diagnosed with a personality disorder on acute general hospital wards.

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Acute hospital wards: caring for people with mental health problems


Kate Chartres summarises a recent qualitative study that provides a greater understanding of the experience of delivering care to people with mental health problems in an acute hospital.

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Psychosocial assessment, self-harm repetition and the role of the assessor


Katherine Chartes reviews a cohort study comparing risk of repeat self-harm after psychosocial assessment, which suggests that psychosocial assessments can reduce re-attendance by 30% within a 12-month timeframe.

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