Jonathan Bisson

Jon is a practising psychiatrist and professor in psychiatry at Cardiff University. He developed his interest in PTSD during his time as a psychiatrist in the Britsh Army. He has conducted various studies including two widely cited randomised controlled trials of early psychological interventions following traumatic events and five Cochrane systematic reviews in the traumatic stress field. He was co-chair of the UK’s first PTSD NICE Guideline Development Group and chairs the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies’ Treatment Guidelines Committee. He developed and continues to lead Cardiff University’s Traumatic Stress Research Group and the Cardiff and Vale Traumatic Stress Service. He developed NHS Veterans Wales and is currently developing an All Wales Traumatic Stress Quality Improvement Initiative. He has been awarded 31 research grants worth over £10 million. His current research includes a randomised controlled trial of a guided self help intervention for mild to moderate PTSD that he pioneered and a PTSD Registry. He has over 150 publications, regularly teaches and supervises undergraduates, postgraduates, health and other professionals. He has delivered over 150 presentations to various meetings and conferences in 17 different countries, including 42 keynote/plenary presentations.