John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Knowledge of role of Independent Mental Capacity Advocate can be improved


The Independent Mental Capacity Act Advocacy (IMCA) service was established in 2007 following concerns expressed during the implementation of the Act that there was a need to provide extra support in the Act for the most vulnerable people. The purpose of the service is to help those vulnerable people who lack capacity facing decisions made [read the full story…]

Carers' perspectives on end of life care for people with learning disabilities


Whilst there is a developing literature aimed at a better understanding of end of life care for people with learning disabilities, there is little published that relates directly to the perspectives of paid carers. The researchers in this study used a series of focus groups to analyse responses from 64 people who worked in learning [read the full story…]

Homeless people with learning disabilities face specific difficulties

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This Canadian paper looked at the situation of people with learning disabilities in Montreal who were homeless, to try to understand the nature of their situation, The paper draws on data from people who were known to a dedicated team in the city working with homeless people. The researchers collected data from files of 68 [read the full story…]

Public health nurse home visiting improves outcomes for parents with learning disabilities

Suggestions for future research include developing effective and cost effective models of person centred care, supported living and developing approaches to support family members and carers.

This study evaluated the outcomes of a public health nurse home visiting system for mothers with learning disabilities and for those in a comparison group without learning disabilities. The study authors carried out a secondary analysis of existing family home visiting data using a two-group comparative design.  They looked at 68 (17 for mothers with [read the full story…]

Involvement in research helped by group analysis of data

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This study set out to look at how an inclusive approach to data analysis in a  research project with a group of self advocates increased the group’s capacity for self advocacy. The researchers presented numerical data in three visual formats for analysis, which were analysed and interpreted by 17 members of a People First group [read the full story…]

Routine screening for thyroid dysfunction could be reduced to every 5 years for people with Down syndrome


This study set out to investigate the natural history of thyroid function in adults with Down syndrome as there is currently a lack of good long-term follow-up data. The study team looked at annual thyroid function tests in 200 adults with Down syndrome over a 15-year period. They found that in healthy adults with Down [read the full story…]

Family support and responsive services critical for parents with learning disabilities


There are many barriers to people with learning disabilities becoming parents. Published research describing the experience of parents with a learning disability suggests that these include planning for both pregnancy as well as for parenthood. Studies have also shown however that the provision of the right support at the right time can enable parents with [read the full story…]

Nature of support is key in enabling self-determination of people with learning disabilities


Self determination is a key thrust of current learning disability policy and indeed sits at the heart of the personalisation agenda in adult social care. This study worked with 17 people with learning disabilities, using interviews to help gather information to help improve our understanding of what impact self determination was having on their lives. [read the full story…]

First responses by the Criminal Justice system to people with learning disabilities can be improved


The authors of this study look at the way the criminal justice system responds to people with learning disabilities by focusing on the first response to people suspected of a minor offence. They argue that at this early stage, the decisions of all the key players have a significant impact on the journey of the [read the full story…]

Focus on behavioural problems of adults with Prader-Willi syndrome identifies need for longitudinal studies.


This study looked at the behavioural phenotype of people with Prader-Willi syndrome and the relationship between behavioural problems and age groups, genetic subtypes and BMI categories. It found statistically significant differences between age groups and between genetic subtypes but none in different BMI categories. The authors suggest that special attention should be paid to behavioural [read the full story…]