John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Report estimates 50,000 people with learning disabilities known to services in UK have visual impairment

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This report, jointly funded by the RNIB and SeeAbility aims to estimate how many people with learning disabilities in the UK are likely to have visual impairments. The presence of visual impairments can significantly impair the independence and quality of life of people with learning disabilities, but currently there is no national monitoring of the [read the full story…]

Health surveillance insufficient to meet healthcare needs of people with Down syndrome in Finland study


Researchers in Finland looked at medical problems in a population of people with Down syndrome and compared health surveillance to recommendations in national guidelines. They looked at case records from the specialist services in primary healthcare and disability services. They found many age-specific medical and surgical problems, including  congenital heart defects and middle ear infections [read the full story…]

Short breaks allocation could not be explained by availability of provision in Irish study


This Irish study looks at variations in the provision and correlates of respite breaks to families in the republic. Short breaks support family carers and demand for them often exceeds supply meaning that authorities have to ration the number and length of breaks available. The study team analysed Irish National data on the use of [read the full story…]

Video-based contact programme improves support staff’s interactions with people with learning disabilities


The nature of the interaction between support staff and people with learning disabilities in supported housing is a key factor in quality of life. This study looked at the impact of a video-based contact programme on support staff’s interactions with clients. Seventy-two support staff who supported 12 individuals with visual and learning disabilities took part [read the full story…]

Mental disorder in children and adolescents with learning disabilities between 30 and 50%

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The extent to which mental disorder and learning disability co-occur varies substantially between studies. This review set out to identify studies in children and/or adolescents with acceptably rigorous methods and to ascertain key risk factors. The review found nine studies with acceptable methods, 4 which compared prevalence of mental disorder in populations of those with [read the full story…]

Extreme sensitivity to sound mediates pathways for language development in Williams syndrome


Hyperacusis is an extreme sensitivity to sound, which may have a psychological or organic basis. People with Williams Syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder, often have this sensitivity to noise. The researchers in this study looked at the extent to which such sensitivity might interfere with perception of speech in children and adults with the syndrome. All [read the full story…]

Read code searches may result in under-detection in primary care registers of patients with learning disabilities


The identification of people with learning disabilities within primary care is a requirement for GPs in the UK who receive additional income for maintaining registers of such as part of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). If they opt to provide Directed Enhanced Services (DES), they must develop and maintain a register of patients with [read the full story…]

Systematic review suggests active support does not yet meet criteria for evidence-based practice


Active Support is a coherent package of training in staff working practices and home organisational procedures to help staff to provide more direct support for resident participation, and increase levels of engagement in activities by residents. This systematic review identified two studies in which researchers reported three experimental evaluations of active support. Two of the [read the full story…]

US study finds significantly high prevalence of diabetes in adults with learning disabilities


The healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities are well documented, we know they visit primary care professionals less often than would be expected and  receive fewer screening tests and fewer health investigations. This U.S. study looked at the health status of ‘working-age adults with cognitive limitations’ and compared this with adults with no disability [read the full story…]

More accessible information needed to improve uptake of mammography by women with learning disabilities

Health information

The uptake for breast mammography remains low for women with learning disabilities, despite a number of policy developments and guidelines in recent years.  This study set out to understand better the experiences of women with learning disabilities undergoing breast mammography. The study team worked with four focus groups involving 19 women identified as having a [read the full story…]