John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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People with learning disabilities in rural settings in Scotland are not doubly disadvantaged accessing healthcare


Research has consistently shown that access to healthcare services is poor for adults with learning disabilities and for those people who live in rural areas. The researchers in this study set out to find out whether adults with learning disabilities who lived in rural areas were at a double disadvantage. They looked at data from [read the full story…]

Mindfulness may combat staff burnout


Mindfulness in modern psychology relates to bringing complete attention to the present experience, often involving a non-judgmental attitude to that experience. The authors in this study wanted to look at whether a new measure of staff values in learning disability services could help to better understand the potential effectiveness of mindfulness in the well being [read the full story…]

Scoliosis in girls with Rett syndrome impairs functioning


Rett syndrome affects girls and is characterized by progressive motor disablement, loss of acquired skills, seizures and autism. Scoliosis is also a commonly seen as a complication and this study set out to describe its prevalence, classify spinal deformity, and evaluate associations between disability and scoliosis. 29 patients took part in the study, ages ranging [read the full story…]

Prevalence of ADHD in people with learning disabilities must be established and broader range of treatment options tested


The reporting of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms has been increasing in people with learning disability but researchers have also argued that such symptoms are being under diagnosed and also poorly treated. This review set out to identify the level of ADHD symptoms in children and adults with learning disabilities reported in published studies [read the full story…]

Patterns between psychiatric disorders and challenging behaviours in people with learning disabilities explored

person looking sad

This study set out to look at associations between psychiatric disorders in people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. The study used a large sample and controlled for sex, age, autism and degree of learning disability. The researchers used data from 47% of all people with learning disabilities who were known to and receiving services [read the full story…]

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – Data published by NHS information centre


The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, which were introduced as amendments to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 on 1 April 2009, are designed to protect vulnerable people against overly restrictive care while they are in hospitals or care homes. This second annual report on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards uses data provided every three months by English [read the full story…]

Success of obesity interventions in people with learning disabilities needs primary carer involvement


Obesity is a major health concern in adults with learning disabilities. This study set out to evaluate the impact of a locally delivered NHS health promotion programme. 191 adults with learning disabilities took part in the evaluation and were screened and monitored over a 2-year period with attendance rates and body mass index (BMI) used [read the full story…]

Preventing abuse in the social care system SCIE report

prevention in adult safeguarding

A new report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence shares findings from research, policy and practice on prevention in adult safeguarding and presents a wide range of approaches that can help prevent abuse. The key messages are: • Prevention of abuse has not always been high on the adult safeguarding agenda, but there is [read the full story…]

Sex offender treatment programmes in learning disabilities should be continued for more than 12 months


Sex offender treatment programmes for men with learning disabilities who have perpetrated sex offences or inappropriate sexual behaviour have been show to have beneficial effects for in a number of studies. The authors of this study set out to look at the treatments and compare two groups – offenders against adults and offenders against children. [read the full story…]

Audit of antipsychotic prescribing shows good efficacy reviewing but poor monitoring of side effects

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Antipsychotics are widely used for the management of behavioural problems in people with learning disability, despite concerns about the lack of a good evidence base for this practice (see Cochrane review) The researchers in this study set out to audit clinical practice of prescribing anti-psychotics against standards of good practice. The authors collected data from [read the full story…]