John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Methodological difficulties continue to hamper evaluation of interventions for challenging behaviour


The authors of this study set out to evaluate behavioural and medication-based interventions in the treatment of challenging behaviour in people learning disabilities, both separately and in combination. They suggest that researchers might need to adapt the methods they have traditionally used to evaluate drug interventions for individuals without disabilities when working with people with [read the full story…]

Life events linked to likelihood of hospital emergency department visits in people with learning disabilities


Life stress and in particular key stressful events have long been linked with mental ill health. These researchers in Canada set out to look at the link between life events and psychopathology in people with learning disabilities and in particular, the link with hospital use. The researchers asked key informants to complete a checklist of [read the full story…]

Benefits of participative research in medium secure settings


This study set out to understand whether recent approaches to informing people with learning disabilities about the findings of research ((e.g. simplified information sheets, reading out information etc) are effective and to discover what people with learning disabilities understand about research. The researchers invited seven men and ten staff members to work as co-researchers with [read the full story…]

Review confirms short breaks have potential to positively impact on well-being of carers, children and their families


The authors of this review of the literature set out to look at the assumptions held about the impact of short breaks on family carers and disabled children. 60 articles or reports were identified for inclusion in the review, the vast majority being cross-sectional studies. The reviewers found eight studies using quasi-experimental pre-post designs or [read the full story…]

Mindfulness based programmes may be effective in producing lifestyle changes in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome


People with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) often have excessive appetite and a decreased calorific requirement owing to low energy expenditure levels. This very small study involved three people with PWS who took part in a long-term, multicomponent mindfulness-based health wellness programme aimed at reducing levels of obesity helping them to change their lifestyles. The components of [read the full story…]

8 year study identifies predictors of people with learning disabilities moving from family home


This longitudinal study followed a cohort of nearly 11,000 people with learning disabilities over a period of 8 years. The researchers were looking at issues relating to those people who had moved from family care and those who had remained. The majority of those followed , 85%, continued to live with their families. For 67%, [read the full story…]

BMA publishes guidance to help doctors protect vulnerable adults

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

New guidance has been published by the British Medical Association in the form of a toolkit for GPs to provide practical advice on promoting and protecting the wellbeing of vulnerable adults. Although principally aimed at GPs, any professional working in health care settings with vulnerable adults will find it useful. The term “vulnerable adults” covers [read the full story…]

Use of simple visual prompt improves recording of capacity to consent assessments


This study set out to examine the practice of a number of psychiatrists working in a large learning disability service in relation to their recording capacity to consent to treatment and discussions with patients about side effects of medication. A number of measures were introduced to improve practice in the service including the application of [read the full story…]

Adults with learning disabilities and epilepsy have increased risk for developing psychiatric disorders

Young girl and nurse

The authors of this study set out to investigate the influence of epilepsy on the development of psychiatric disorders in adults with learning disabilities. The researchers measured psychiatric symptoms a year among two groups – 45 adults with learning disabilities who had active epilepsy and 45 without epilepsy. Both groups were carefully matched on level [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities on atypical antipsychotics can gain 10% of initial body weight over course of therapy

medicine in blisterpack

Atypical antipsychotic medications, sometimes described as second generation (for example clozapine, risperidone) have been associated with a number of side effects amongst which is weight gain. The authors of this review point out that such weight gain can be significant in people with learning disabilities using such medications. Previous studies have shown that majority of people [read the full story…]