John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Preventive procedures can halt progression of periodontal disease and tooth loss in patients with Down syndrome


This long term study looked at the effectiveness of a preventive programme on dental health in people with Down syndrome, who are known to have increased prevalence of periodontal disease (affecting the neck and root of a tooth) The researchers looked at the long-term effect of periodic plaque control on the progression of periodontal diseases [read the full story…]

Descriptive study shows gaps in diagnostic services for adults with ADHD


The researchers in this descriptive study set out to describe the issues facing a pilot service for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) set up in the north east of England. They gathered data on the total number of referrals, the source of referrals, sex ratio, follow-up treatments, and co-morbid diagnosis for the period [read the full story…]

Researchers develop quality framework for personalised support arrangements

Analysis showed significant lack of robust evidence on impact or cost effectiveness

Personalisation is a cornerstone of policy for supporting people with learning disabilities. This study set out to look at the nature, purposes and outcomes of personalised residential supports from the perspectives of people with disabilities, family members and service providers, with a view to developing a quality framework for future evaluation. The researchers identified four [read the full story…]

Review of behavioural phenotypes identifies trends across lifespan


The researchers in this review set out to look at the complexity of the relationship between the genotype (genetic makeup) and phenotype (physical characteristics) and to stress the need for a greater understanding of behavioural phenotypes in genetic syndromes. The specific focus was on the developmental trajectory of behavioural phenotypes as individuals move from childhood [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities had little choice about where and with whom to live


Maximising choice and control are key elements of policy in relation to supporting people with learning disabilities, but it is recognised that the choice of where to live and with whom is often denied to people, especially with severe or profound learning disabilities. The researchers in this USA study set out to understand the current [read the full story…]

Range of factors impact on employment decisions by people with learning disabilities


The researchers in this USA study set out to find out about the factors that shape employment-related decisions of people with learning disabilities. Working with a co-researcher with learning disabilities throughout the whole research process, they carried out qualitative interviews with people themselves, their family members and employment-support professionals from four community provider organizations in [read the full story…]

Evaluation of adapted sex offender treatment programme in secure learning disability service finds evidence of positive outcomes

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The Adapted Sex Offender treatment Programme (ASOTP) was piloted in a secure learning disability service. This study set out to evaluate its effectiveness and respond to the criticisms and concerns of conventional closed format programmes. The researchers set out to gather the views of a variety of stakeholders (purchasers, clients, clinicians, group facilitators and clients’ [read the full story…]

Facilitating social activity of caregivers of children with learning disabilities could protect their psychological well-being

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Parental stress affects the psychological well-being of care givers and has been associated with increased risk of children with disabilities being taken into care. This study set out to characterise those providing care and support to children with learning disabilities when they are about to seek outside support and care. The researchers wanted to understand [read the full story…]

Study finds female forensic patients with learning disabilities had higher levels of anger than males

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With a between-subjects design and gender as its one independent variable, the researchers in this study used the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory to compare the score of 12 females and 23 males within a forensic psychiatric service for patients with learning disabilities. The team found there were significant differences between scores which suggested [read the full story…]

Small number of individuals account for the majority of uses of physical restraint in USA study

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This American study set out to look at the use of physical restraint in services for people with learning disabilities. The researchers looked at data on the incidence and implementation of physical restraint for 448 adults with learning disabilities in community-based day services and shared supported housing. They found that physical restraint was used exclusively [read the full story…]