John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Report shows importance of grandparents and extended family in supporting parents with learning disabilities

Suggestions for future research include developing effective and cost effective models of person centred care, supported living and developing approaches to support family members and carers.

Researchers at Norah Fry have been looking at issues relating to supporting parents with learning disabilities for many years, recently producing an extremely helpful report (Finding the right support? A review of issues and positive practice in supporting parents with learning difficulties and their children ). In this report, they focus on the role of grandparents [read the full story…]

Patients with learning disabilities visiting psychiatric ED may be sent home with no recorded follow up plans


Researchers in this Canadian study looked at the factors associated with the use of psychiatric emergency services by people with learning disabilities who were living with their family. They conducted an audit of hospital chart audits for a sample of 20 such individuals with learning disabilities who had visited the emergency department (ED) at the [read the full story…]

Impact on families caring for people with learning disabilities and mental health problems poorly understood review suggests

family on beach

Estimates of the numbers of people with learning disabilities who have co-morbid mental health problems vary considerably between studies, from 14 to 39%. This review of literature focused on families of individuals diagnosed with both learning disability and co-morbid mental health problems. The author looked at the impact of caring such individuals on things like [read the full story…]

National project identifies major barriers to change in private hospital sector for learning disabilities


This National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) report highlights the challenges in supporting and encouraging change to private sector learning disability hospitals. The project ran for 18 months and set out to encourage private sector providers to change their services to reflect national policy as set out in the Mansell report. This included reducing the [read the full story…]

Decisions resulting in people with learning disabilities moving to residential care for older people were made in haste


Researchers in this Australian study were concerned to consider the issue of planning for future care and support of people with learning disabilities after the death of parental caregivers. They were considered the need to adapt support systems to ensure the best possible quality of life for people with intellectual disability as they grow older. [read the full story…]

High levels of psychosis, attempted suicide and cannabis use amongst prisoners with learning disabilities

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There continues to be some debate about the numbers of people with learning disabilities in UK prisons, partly due to the lack of consensus on definitions of learning disability in studies and different approaches to establishing the boundaries between learning difficulty, borderline learning disability and learning disability. The Bradley report  recommended amongst its key recommendations [read the full story…]

Health inequalities and people with learning disabilities: new guidance for commissioners

IHAL logo

Improving Health and Lives (IHaL) is the Learning Disabilities Public Health Observatory: a three year project funded by the Department of Health in response to Sir Jonathan Michael’s 2008 inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities. The national observatory aims to provide better, easier to understand information on the health and wellbeing [read the full story…]

Actively involving students with learning disabilities provides an effective check on policy implementation and quality

what about us

Given the emphasis in education on inclusion in mainstream schools and colleges for young people with additional needs, this project set out to enable young people with learning difficulties in three localities to bring about changes in their schools and colleges. The young people themselves chose the areas they wanted to focus on, which were: [read the full story…]

Case study shows active support training improved staff assistance to people with learning disabilities


Active Support concerns training staff in working practices and organisational procedures in homes to help provide direct support for resident participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. The researchers in this study looked at the effect of staffing levels, e.g. either one or two staff on the amount of assistance provided to people with [read the full story…]

Proactive community services could reduce use of psychiatric emergency department by people with learning disabilities


Researchers in Canada working with people with learning disabilities and mental health problems set out in this study to understand what happens when such individuals experience a psychiatric emergency. They looked at the experience of those people living with their families when such emergencies occurred, to consider what additional services families might need, including going [read the full story…]