John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Longer time samples of activity levels in people with learning disabilities produce same results as short samples


Concerns about levels of engagement in meaningful activity by people with learning disabilities have been explored through studies using a method known as momentary time sampling, an interval recording method, where an observer  observes whether a particular behaviour is occurring or not during a specified time period. However, the majority of such studies have taken [read the full story…]

Staff attitudes to reproductive health of women with learning disabilities suggests need for further training


Whilst there is a developing literature relating to attitudes to sexuality in people with learning disabilities, there is very little in the published literature about their reproductive health. The researchers in this study set out to look at the attitudes of caregivers and to look in more detail at what things determine gynaecological health in [read the full story…]

Review recommends more controlled studies in evaluation of treatment outcomes for offenders with learning disabilities


There continue to be difficulties in agreeing on the numbers of people with learning disabilities in the offender population. Estimates range from 2% to 10%. The author of this review set out to look at recent research in the field which includes work on prevalence, developments in appropriate assessments and investigations into the effectiveness of [read the full story…]

Active support training was effective in supporting people with learning disabilities to be engaged in daily activities


Active Support involves concerns training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of resident participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. It is being introduced in many support services for people with learning disabilities to help bring about such improvements. This Australian study set out to look at what happened when [read the full story…]

Joint dementia screening service highlights issues and delivers training to carers

meeting at table

Whilst there is no evidence that dementia affects people with learning disabilities in ways that are different to those without learning disability, there is a risk that the early stages of the disease may be missed or misinterpreted. People with Down syndrome may present with clinical symptoms in their late 40s or early 50s. Estimates [read the full story…]

Families of people with learning disabilities in out of area placements feel uninvolved and concerned about lack of improvements


People with learning disabilities and complex needs can often find themselves in services far from their family homes, particularly the case if the person has a mental health problem. This study set out to find out the views of family members of those people who were being cared for in out-of-area psychiatric hospitals. The authors [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities want reliability, empathy and non patronising attitude in their support staff


The nature of the relationship between the client and caregiver has been shown to be a key factor in a number of studies. However, there have been few studies looking at the nature of the relationship between people with mild learning disabilities and their caregivers. This study set out to look at this issue in [read the full story…]

Awareness of sexuality as part of identity has not changed restrictive attitudes in services for people with learning disabilities


This review of the literature set out to summarise the current status of knowledge and clinical practice in the area of relationships and sexuality for people with learning disabilities, which the review authors describe as an area that is complex and challenging. Services for people with learning disabilities have undergone a move towards personalisation, person-centred [read the full story…]

Focus of pharmacotherapy for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health should be on specific forms of psychopathology


A number of studies have suggested that prevalence rates of mental ill-health in people with learning disabilities is higher than in the general population, although issues of definition have made it difficult to make clear comparisons. The authors of this review set out to identify trends and developments in the study of psychopathology in people [read the full story…]

Retirement planning for people with learning disabilities appears at odds with personalisation and inclusion


This Australian study set out to explore the issues relating to retirement for older employees with learning disabilities in supported employment services. The researchers discussed retirement in 6 separate focus group interviews, with staff from disability accommodation and employment services, members of mainstream activity programmes for older people, family members of people with disabilities and [read the full story…]