John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Review finds no consensus on developmental or behavioural outcomes for children of parents with learning disabilities

family on beach

The authors of this review set out to take a comprehensive look at the literature relating to the outcomes for Children of parents with learning disability to test assumptions that such children are at risk of poor outcomes. The authors identified 26 studies from a database and reference search published in one year from March [read the full story…]

Improvements in psychological well-being in parents with learning disabilities can be achieved by improvements in social support


Adults with learning disabilities who become parents face a range of challenges in addition to those faced by their non-disabled peers. As adults with disabilities, they are more likely to be socially isolated and at risk of poor psychological well-being and the added pressure of parenthood can magnify these risks. The authors of the current [read the full story…]

Internet based groups for older carers of people with learning disabilities can improve social support


We recently posted about the views of older people with learning disabilities and the things they wanted in relation to their support. In recent years there have also been a number of projects that have focused on ways to provide support to older carers of people. Those projects have suggested the key mediator role of [read the full story…]

Research collaborations between academics and people with learning disabilities can strengthen the ethical integrity of research

Analysis showed significant lack of robust evidence on impact or cost effectiveness

The involvement of people with learning disabilities in research has been increasing. The authors of this review stress the important benefits of this inclusion. However, the involvement raises a number of ethical questions, as they can be vulnerable in the context of research. This review looked at peer-reviewed literature on ethical practices in research with [read the full story…]

Small practical steps may offer best way to reach consensus on relationship and sexuality education for people with learning disabilities


National policy in the UK regarding supporting people with learning disabilities has focused on personalising support, improving social inclusion and the removal of obstacles relating to access to education, employment, healthcare and housing. The authors of the current study suggest that there has been significant progress in these areas, but when looking at the area [read the full story…]

Custody sergeants’ differences of understanding of learning disability led directly to differences in provision of support in custody


In 2008, the Prison Reform Trust carried out work on the issues facing people with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system, resulting in the ‘No One Knows’ report which suggested they faced ‘personal, systemic and routine’ discrimination from the point of arrest through to release from prison. One key finding was that  less than [read the full story…]

Study suggests people with learning disabilities are contributing to Partnership Boards, but more could be done


Learning Disability Partnership Boards have been in operation since 2001. They were established as a result of the Valuing People White Paper to oversee inter-agency planning and service development. Pivotal to their creation was the fact that the partnership had to involve a range of stakeholders, including service users, carers, and representatives from all the [read the full story…]

Meta analysis suggests adults with disabilities are at greater risk of violence than adults without disabilities


People with disabilities are reported to be at increased risk of violence. Mencap’s stand by me campaign  to end disability hate crime suggested that as many as 9 out of 10 people with a learning disability have been a victim of hate crime and bullying. The authors of this review and meta analysis set out [read the full story…]

Review recommends assessing sleep problems in early intervention programmes for children with developmental delays


The authors of this U.S. review set out to look at the evidence of the impact of sleep problems across the range of children screened for early intervention. Sleep disorders can have an impact on behaviour, cognition, and growth—which are the same areas that can be targeted by early intervention. They point out that developmental [read the full story…]

CQC finds some care homes have difficulties meeting the healthcare needs of residents


The Care Quality Commission has been looking at the way in which the healthcare needs of residents of care homes are being met. They looked at both older people and people with learning disabilities. They were particularly interested in whether people had choice and control over their healthcare and whether they received care that was [read the full story…]