John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Challenging behaviour training may change carer attributions whether or not these are the focus of training


We have posted previously about the impact of carer attributions regarding the behaviour of people with learning disabilities and the impact these can have on carer responses. The authors of this systematic review were interested in the effects of carer training in challenging and complex behaviour. The researchers searched the literature and included papers that [read the full story…]

Integrated sports for people with learning disabilities offer benefits but barriers still exist


The authors of this study were interested in looking at the use of integrated sports as one strategy for promoting health and social participation of adolescents with learning disabilities. They set out to improve understanding of the factors associated with such integration by carrying out individual interviews with 40 adolescents with learning disabilities and their [read the full story…]

Adults with Down syndrome are hospitalised more than the general population and for a longer duration


Life expectancy of people with Down syndrome has been increasing over the last ten years, with consequent increases in the incidence of morbidity as they age. The authors of this study carried out by Israeli researchers point out that there is not much literature exploring this morbidity or looking at hospitalisation of adults with Down [read the full story…]

Adolescents with learning disabilities may have considerable unidentified and untreated mental health problems


Rates of mental illness in adolescents with learning disabilities have been reported as higher than those expected in adolescents without learining disabilities. This study set out to look at the prevalence and predictors of mental health needs and service use in adolescents with learning disabilities. They researchers worked with a service-based sample of 75 young [read the full story…]

Access to IT for people with learning disabilities in the USA is no better than in the 1990s


The use of information technology (IT) is now a fundamental part of education. An earlier study of the use of IT by students with learning disabilities in the USA (Wehmeyer et al 2004) found that they were less likely to have access to and benefit from technology than their non disabled peers. This USA survey [read the full story…]

Staff responses to challenging behaviour in people with learning disabilities a dynamic and retroactive process


Emerson et al’s seminal definition of challenging behaviour identified not only its interactional nature, but also pointed out that people with such issues in their life were at risk of being denied access to regular community activities. The researchers in this study were interested in the gap that they believe exists between what we understand [read the full story…]

CQC report raises concerns about awareness of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in NHS

our voice

We have posted before about concerns about the lack of understanding of the operation of the Mental Capacity Act in learning disability services . This report from the Care Quality Commission suggests that those working in the NHS may have similar issues. The report’s authors recommend that the NHS needs better training and more awareness of [read the full story…]

Report examines future contribution of learning disability nursing


Part of a broader programme of work looking at the contribution of learning disabilities nursing, the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities Nursing Review was commissioned and led by the Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland on behalf of the chief nursing officers across the UK to consider the  current and future contribution of learning disabilities nursing to [read the full story…]

Choosing staff members reduced time in mechanical restraint in self injury case study


Community based studies have suggested that self injury in people with learning disabilities occurs in approximately 3% of adults living in community settings, show self-injury, often as a chronic condition for those with severe self injury. For some individuals, protective devices have been used, including padding, helmets, gloves and arm splints. In this case study, [read the full story…]

Study estimates prevalence of need for mealtime support for people with learning disabilities in the UK


Mealtimes are important occasions for many people with learning disabilities, offering opportunities for social interaction as well as nourishment, they can also carry significant health risks. There has been a good deal of research on dysphagia. or difficulty in swallowing, but the authors of this study were keen to explore the range of difficulties that [read the full story…]