John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Aggressiveness did not predict use of restraint in Dutch institution for people with learning disabilities


We have posted previously about the use of physical interventions in services supporting people with learning disabilities, drawing attention to the high levels of use in people described as having challenging behaviour. The researchers in this study in the Netherlands set out to look at the antecedent factors of restraint in people with learning disabilities [read the full story…]

Training for family carers can be useful part of PBS interventions

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Positive behavioural support (PBS) recognises the importance of understanding the basis of why someone is exhibiting a behaviour that is challenging, and that there is a need to consider both proactive and reactive strategies in developing interventions. There has been a good deal reported in the literature about the training needs of paid carers in this [read the full story…]

Review of autism strategy welcomes approach but raises concerns about access to specialist interventions

boy with autism

The Autism Strategy Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives was published in 2010. The strategy is for England only, but the authors of this general review suggest that a detailed look at the strategy will be of interest across the UK. The strategy was published following a commitment made in the Autism Act 2009. It sets out [read the full story…]

Adolescents with learning disabilities had low physical fitness and high prevalence of obesity


We have posted many times about the issue of overweight and obesity in people with learning disabilities. This study in France set out look at health-related fitness in adolescents with learning disabilities and to analyse various performances in physical fitness tests according to degrees of obesity in that poopulation. The researchers worked with 87 French [read the full story…]

Cognitive behavioural therapy successful in treating erotomania in individual with learning disability

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Erotomania, sometimes known as ‘de Clerambault’s syndrome’ is a rare disorder, classified under the group of delusional disorders, where a person wrongly believes another person is in love with them. The object of the delusion is often a person of higher social status. The person with the disorder will make advances to the object of [read the full story…]

New database of positive behavioural support interventions aims to plug gaps in evidence base

Positive behavioural support (PBS) is based upon the notion that the key to responding to an individual’s challenging behaviours must lie in an understanding why that individual is exhibiting the behaviour and responding to issues to prevent further episodes. Functional assessment is the key technique used in understanding the behaviour and what it means to [read the full story…]

Resource for families to ensure they are involved in best interest decisions


We have posted a number of times recently about the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and issues relating to the knowledge of professionals about its operation. We would like to draw your attention to a new resource which is designed to help families involved in best interest decisions, to ensure they are involved. The resource has [read the full story…]

HFT guide to supporting people with learning disabilities from BME communities

HFT BME report

The Home Farm Trust have recently updated their guide to reaching and supporting diverse communities. This is a resource aimed at professionals working for people with learning disabilities, family carers and also for those who work in mainstream diversity and equality fields and is designed to help with meeting the needs of people with learning [read the full story…]

MPs asked to sign agreement to ensure ordinary life for people with learning disabilities becomes a reality


Here at WELD, we see our job as bringing you the most up to date evidence relating to supporting people with learning disabilities and that usually means evidence published in journals or reports from researchers or development organisations. Today’s post is slightly different in that we want to draw attention to the launch of a [read the full story…]

Partnership with endocrinology recommended for mental health issues associated with polycystic ovary syndrome


The use of case studies to illustrate learning and to improve clinical practice is an established method. This case study of a woman with learning disabilities presenting with polycystic ovary syndrome is presented by the authors to explore mental health symptoms associated with the condition. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects the ovaries [read the full story…]