John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Advocacy benefits individuals and provides collective mechanisms to improve health and social care systems says survey

advocacy report

In the UK as a whole the most recent estimate from an Action for Advocacy survey is that 55.4% of advocacy organisations provide services for people with learning disabilities, although there is growing concern about the precarious nature of funding for many of those services. The IHAL report points to the argument that the development [read the full story…]

Continuing Healthcare Funding process explained in new booklet from FPLD


Understanding the sources of funding to support disabled people can be a confusing business, but this helpful booklet from the foundation for people with learning disabilities is a useful addition to reducing that confusion. It focuses on continuing healthcare, a particular pot of money with some very specific rules governing how and on whom it [read the full story…]

Majority of challenging behaviours in people with learning disabilities not underpinned by psychiatric disorders says screening study

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The PAS-ADD (Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with a Developmental Disability) checklist is a 25 item questionnaire which uses non technical language and was designed to be used by support staff and families. The thinking was that it was these groups of people who spent the most time with the disabled person and so would [read the full story…]

CQC finds half of learning disability services did not meet essential standards

Self-reported stigma was positively associated with psychological distress

Last year, the BBC  screened its secret filming at the Winterbourne view home in Bristol which showed shocking scenes of abuse. The subsequent inquiry led to arrests and convictions, but there were concerns that this was not an isolated incident. The care services minister stated his determination to strengthen safeguards and the Care Standards Commission [read the full story…]

Mothers of adolescents with learning disabilities confident in dealing with sexuality of offspring but express concerns

The recent focus on mindfulness should not be limited to the general population or a privileged few but accessible and relevant to parents of children with disability

Sexuality in adults with learning disabilities is a subject that has only relatively recently been tackled in the literature. The researchers in this study were interested in sexuality in adolescents, and wanted to look at the attitudes and behaviours of mothers of adolescents and consider whether or not the presence of learning disability might affect [read the full story…]

Inclusive research project on adult protection recommends more creative approach to involving people with learning disabilities


In 2006, the Department of Health produced a report called ‘Let Me I’m a Researcher’, which was designed to inform the debate about best practice in working with people with disabilities to co-produce topic areas, aims, objectives and approaches in research that involved them. Involving people with learning disabilities in the production and delivery of research [read the full story…]

Higher than expected levels of anxiety found in children and young people with learning disabilities and autism

boy with autism

Previous research has suggested that the likelihood of experiencing mental health problems is increased in children and young people with learning disabilities if they also have autism. The researchers in this study were interested in looking at symptoms of anxiety in this population, hypothesising that they may experience symptoms of anxiety at a greater level [read the full story…]

Women with learning disabilities have limited understanding of breast and cervical screening


Poor health in people with learning disabilities is associated with a number of risk factors, one of which is the lower likelihood of getting timely access to screening services. Previous studies have shown that women with learning disabilities are less likely than those without disabilities to have access to cervical and breast cancer screening services [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities experience physical interventions as painful and emotionally distressing

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Physical interventions are still widely used in learning disability services, with BILD estimating their use in around half of all people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. The experience of people with learning disabilities of such interventions is not something that has been reported widely in the literature, but the researchers in this study set [read the full story…]

Front line managers remain key to quality outcomes in supported accommodation for people with learning disabilities


One of the key findings of the early research into community services for people with learning disabilities who had lived in long stay institutions, was that the quality of first line management was one of the main factors affecting outcomes. This Australian study set out to look at the work of front-line managers in supported [read the full story…]