John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Dutch policy makers look to international experience to help reduce the use of restraints in people with learning disabilities


Recently in the Netherlands, Dutch TV showed footage of a teenager known as ‘Brandon’ who was resident in a long stay institution. Because of his challenging behaviour, he was managed in this institution by the use of a harness, which was attached via a leather strap to a metal bracket on the wall. Dutch psychiatrists have [read the full story…]

Staff injuries as a result of physical interventions in forensic learning disabilities services analysed


Earlier this week we have looked at the reports into the Winterbourne View scandal, which identified some appalling practice by staff at the home. Today, we are looking at some research that focuses on the potential for injury of staff who are involved in physical interventions. Physical interventions are defined as responses to challenging behaviour [read the full story…]

Congregate services for people with learning disabilities may persist without planned transfer of resources


Yesterday, we posted about the serious case review following the Winterbourne View scandal, which called for Government action to focus on the closure of large specialist assessment and treatment units and the development of local community based alternatives. Today, we look at an Irish study which looked at changes in residential provision over a ten [read the full story…]

Abuse and Neglect continues to be reported to charities despite lessons from Winterbourne View

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Yesterday saw the release of the serious case review relating to the appalling treatment of people at the Winterbourne View care home, as exposed in the BBC Panorama programme last year. The review, chaired by Margaret Flynn, points to a lack of leadership amongst commissioners, as well as criticising the role of the Care Quality [read the full story…]

US researchers find children not receiving MMR because of fears regarding autism link


The possible link between the MMR vaccine and autism has been shown to have no basis in evidence, despite such a link being posited in a 1998 paper in the Lancet. The paper was subsequently retracted following a GMC investigation of its author. The researchers in this US study point out that although the link [read the full story…]

Easy read heatwave plan launched


Well, it’s good to be prepared and earlier this year the Department of Health produced its annual heatwave plan, which aims to raise public and professional awareness on how to prepare in case of severe hot weather and potential heatwaves. The Plan is written in partnership with the Health Protection Agency and supported by the [read the full story…]

Adult safeguarding guide produced to support family carers of people with learning disabilities


As you know, we at Elf towers are committed to making research evidence available in a way that helps people who support people with learning disabilities to be evidence based. However, as well as knowledge based practice, we also recognise that practice based knowledge – what we all learn from our experiences of being supported [read the full story…]

Call for culturally sensitive services for people with learning disabilities from South Asian communities

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People from ethnic minorities in the UK are likely to face inequalities, discrimination and disadvantage. From the late 1990s, studies began to document examples of racist attitudes being shown towards South Asian children with learning disabilities, There were also suggestions that South Asian parents received later diagnosis of learning disability in their child, with the [read the full story…]

Antipsychotics continue to be used for challenging behaviour in learning disabilities with poor monitoring of side effects


People with learning disabilities are often prescribed anti-psychotic medication, whether or not there has been a diagnosis of psychiatric disorder. There continues to be some concern about the evidence base to support this. The most recent Cochrane review which looked at the issue in relation to people with learning disabilities and schizophrenia found that there is [read the full story…]

Self injurious behaviour prevalent in individuals with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder


Self injurious behaviour is usually defined as behaviour that directly results in physical harm to an individual and includes such behaviours as hand biting, head slapping, picking at skin, gouging or striking the body or eating inedible material.  In addition, researchers have begun to include display of repetitive movements even though they may not immediately [read the full story…]