John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Communication with people with learning disabilities and with autism and the importance of non verbal communication

few outcome studies found, but personalisation is relatively recent in social work practice

As you know, at Elf Towers, we strive to identify the evidence you need to help inform the way people with learning disabilities are supported. We have taken the unusual step today of pointing to a radio programme, from BBC Radio 4’s Word of Mouth series. The programme was broadcast this week and features the [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities over-represented in criminal justice system with no systematic approach to accessible and equitable services


Last week, the excellent UK forensic and learning disabilities network, one of a range of networks run throughout the UK to provide information to people supporting people with learning disabilities, circulated a note about a report from west Yorkshire. Although a local report, the findings have a wider relevance. The report was commissioned by the [read the full story…]

Solution focused coaching impacts positively on proactive thinking of staff and quality of relationships


We have posted previously about solution focused therapy, where we looked at a small case series study with people with mild learning disabilities. Solution-focused therapy focuses on solutions, rather than on the presenting problems, based on the notion that even for people suffering chronic problems, there are periods when the difficulties do not occur or [read the full story…]

Social stories bring about short term changes in long standing behaviours of people wth learning disabilities and autism

boy with autism

The National Autistic Society describe social stories as short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why. The authors of this study set out to look at the effectiveness of Social Stories with four adults with learning disabilities and social communication impairments said [read the full story…]

Mainstream mental health staff attitudes to supporting people with learning disabilities explored in study


There are more and more examples of mainstream mental health services supporting people with learning disabilities when they have mental health problems. The authors of this cross sectional study were keen to explore whether the attitudes of staff in mainstream mental health services towards people with learning disabilities was in any way negative and whether [read the full story…]

Learning Disabilities Elf takes Christmas break


Christmas is a busy time here at Elf towers and so the Learning Disabilities Elf is taking a break from regular postings over the festive season. We wish all our readers a happy Christmas and look forward to bringing you all the published learning disabilities evidence you need in 2013. John

Similarities found in characteristics of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

This study from the Netherlands looked at whether it is possible to determine differences in personal characteristics and functioning between juvenile offenders under mandatory treatment orders who had a measured IQ of less than 70, between 70 and 85 and over 85. The authors were hoping to offer advice and guidance on ways to better [read the full story…]

Learning disability support workers call for more information on side effects of psychotropic medications

Antipsychotic overprescribing is common in people with learning disabilities who have no record of severe mental illness.

Studies have suggested that anti-psychotic medications comprise between 30–50% of all psychotropics prescribed for people with learning disabilities, often prescribed for people with challenging behaviours with no diagnosis of mental illness. Reviews of their use have suggested however that there is no strong evidence supporting the anti-aggressive properties of anti-psychotics. This study in Australia was [read the full story…]

Factors important in predicting staff burnout in learning disability services identified


We have posted before about the factors which may impact on staff burnout in services supporting people with learning disabilities. Some of the studies we identified have suggested that personal and organisational supports increasing a sense of personal achievement  for staff can provide a buffer against emotional exhaustion and that interventions related to improving mindfulness might [read the full story…]

Short term exercise programme improves muscle strength and agility in adolescents with Down syndrome


The benefits of exercise for a healthy lifestyle are now well understood. However, there are issues relating to the physiology of people with Down syndrome which might suggest limitations to the extent to which they can engage in cardiovascular or resistance exercises. we also know that many people with Down syndrome are overweight or obese. [read the full story…]