John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Short social climate questionnaire is found to have validity in secure learning disability services


The EssenCES is a short questionnaire used for assessing the social climate of forensic psychiatric wards. The Climate dimensions measured are ‘Therapeutic Hold’, ‘Patients’ Cohesion and Mutual Support’ and ‘Safety’ (versus threat of aggression and violence). Studies in forensic services have suggested that the questionnaire is a valid instrument for assessing ward atmosphere. The authors [read the full story…]

Parents and caregivers of people with Williams syndrome rate benefits from medications in reducing anxiety


Williams syndrome is a neuro-developmental genetic disorder caused by gene deletion estimated to have a prevalence of 1 in 7,500 to 1 in 20,000 live births. Previous studies have identified anxiety as part of the behavioural phenotype of the syndrome The authors of this US study set out to look at the effectiveness and adverse [read the full story…]

Factsheets on Challenging Behaviour Foundation website now summarised for easier access


The tag cloud on the Learning Disabilities Elf blog shows quite clearly that challenging behaviour is the topic we post about most, which reflects the ratio in published studies. Challenging behaviour can have a major impact on the safety of the person, people they live with or people who support them and is a major [read the full story…]

Arts group for young people with learning disabilities provides benefits for those involved and wider community


In times of economic hardship, it would be easy to discount the contribution to emotional well being that taking part in arts activities can afford us. However, the arts offer opportunities for self expression and people with learning disabilities have the right to take part in creative and expressive activities, achieving new goals and potentially [read the full story…]

Recovery approach in mental health services for people with learning disabilities needs further definition and qualitative research


The recovery approach to mental health needs focuses on and provides support for a person’s potential for recovery, which is conceptualised more as journey than an outcome. At present, there is little in the literature looking at this approach with people with learning disabilities and mental health problems. However, as there is an increased prevalence [read the full story…]

Speech and language therapy screening tool in forensic service shows link between communication difficulties and offending behaviour


One outcome measure of forensic services is the rate of re-offending. The author of this review was interested in this outcome, but in particular the contribution to this of speech and language therapy services. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists recommend the involvement of speech and language therapy intervention in support to people [read the full story…]

Mental health services users with learning disabilities from minority ethnic community in South London less positive about experiences


When the ‘Valuing People’ white paper was published in 2001, there were a series of supporting papers that were published at the same time covering in more detail, issues that were pertinent to developing and delivering person centred services. One of these looked at ethnicity and people with learning disabilities. The issue was also clearly [read the full story…]

Level of learning disability, gender and serum triglyceride levels found to be predictive of BMI in people with co-existing mental illness


We have posted previously about the higher prevalence of obesity and overweight in people with learning disabilities. The researchers in this study were interested in looking at the data on body weight status and lipids levels of adults with learning disabilities who also had mental health problems. They carried out a stepwise multiple regression analysis, [read the full story…]

Co production can lead to redistribution of power in NHS services for people with learning disabilities


In a recent SCIE briefing, Needham (2009) defined co-production as an approach to delivering social care supports that actively encouraged input by the people who use services, emphasising that people getting support from services had assets and expertise which could help improve those services. Needham described co-production as potentially transformative, and an opportunity to rethink [read the full story…]

Exposure to aggression affects staff emotional well being in Canadian study

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We have posted a number of times about staff burnout and the factors impacting on this, where previous studies have shown an assoication between stress, burnout and exposure to aggressive behaviours. The authors of this Canadian study were concerned that these previous attempts to study the issue were based on small samples and that there [read the full story…]