John Northfield

Profile photo of John Northfield
After qualifying as a social worker, John worked in community learning disability teams before getting involved in a number of long-stay hospital closure programmes, working to develop individual plans for people moving into their own homes. He worked for BILD, helping to develop the Quality Network and was editorial lead for the NHS electronic library learning disabilities specialist collection. This led him to found the Learning Disabilities Elf site with Andre Tomlin as a way of making the evidence accessible to practitioners in health and social care. Most recently he has worked as part of Mencap's national quality team and also been involved in a number of national website developments, including the General Medical Council's learning disabilities site.


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Risk assessment tool in acute hospitals reported to contribute to improvement in health outcomes for people with learning disabilities


We recently posted about the publication of the final report of the confidential inquiry into premature deaths in people with learning disabilities. The Inquiry found 43% of the deaths of people with learning disabilities were unexpected and for a substantial number, there was significant difficulty or delay in diagnosis, investigation or specialist referral. The Inquiry [read the full story…]

Female family caregivers found to lack knowledge of need for breast and cervical screening for women with learning disabilities

breast and cervical screening

Studies have shown that women with learning disabilities are less likely than those without disabilities to have access to cervical and breast cancer screening services as set out in the relevant clinical guidelines. The team at Improving Health and Lives, the  learning disabilities public health observatory (LDPHO) reported that reasonable adjustments were not being made [read the full story…]

New resources published to help people with learning disabilities manage their money

what is a bank account

As more and more people with learning disabilities are accessing ordinary community services and using individual budgets to purchase their own support there is a need to produce good accessible materials. To respond to this challenge, BILD, the British Institute of Learning Disabilities have recently published a range of materials, including written guides and DVDs [read the full story…]

Unclear definition, underreporting and lack of training see victims of disability hate crime let down by criminal justice system


Last week, we featured a guest blog from our sister site the Mental Elf which looked at the findings of a study based on the British Crime Survey which found that people with disability are at increased risk of being victims of domestic and non-domestic violence and suggested the need for an urgent assessment national [read the full story…]

Confidential Inquiry finds health and social care for people with learning disabilities deficient in a number of ways


The Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths in people with learning disabilities (CIPOLD) was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health as a result of a recommendation by Jonathan Michael in ‘Healthcare for All’  the report of the Independent Inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities. The Confidential Inquiry team were charged [read the full story…]

Pregnancy Support Pack can support better interactions between parents with learning disabilities and maternity services

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Access to information about pregnancy is crucial for parents to be. For people with learning disabilities, faced with a variety of new choices to make, this is especially true. However, there is little information currently available about pregnancy for people with learning disabilities. As the number of women with learning disabilities becoming pregnant increases, it [read the full story…]

Comparison of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities shows differences in offence type


Previous studies have suggested that people with mild learning disability show a higher rate of offending when compared with peers without learning disability and that this rate is especially high in those aged under 18. High rates of learning disability have also been found in studies of young offenders in custody. In the U.S., one [read the full story…]

Social inclusion for people with challenging behaviour poorly conceptualised and rarely achieved


The topic of challenging behaviour is the most used keyword tag here at the Learning Disabilities Elf. It accounts for a good proportion of all the posts we produce, which is a reflection of course of the published literature. Recent events in the UK have thrown into sharp relief the need to ensure that vulnerable [read the full story…]

Traditional gender stereotypes found in staff attitudes towards sexuality in people with learning disabilities


Whilst there has been significant progress in recent years in acknowledging the rights of people with learning disabilities to live their lives in the way they choose, responding to the right to be sexually active continues to throw up challenges for services and families. Part of the difficulty is that people with learning disabilities may [read the full story…]

What happens when people with learning disabilities need advice about the law?


Here at Elf Towers, we strive to bring you the best evidence from published studies, but from time to time, we have the opportunity to talk to you about research that is just getting underway. One such research project is being run by our friends at the Norah Fry Research Centre who are about to [read the full story…]