Joe Judge

Joe Judge
Joe Judge is a Clinical Psychologist with the Hamilton Psychological Therapies Team. He previously worked in forensic mental health for several years. He has interests in psychological therapy (especially cognitive analytic therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy), risk assessment of violence and social justice.


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Long duration of untreated psychosis is associated with a range of poor outcomes


Joe Judge appraises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis looking at the duration of untreated psychosis as a predictor of long-term outcomes in schizophrenia.

[read the full story...]

Placebo for depression: are some sugar pills better than others?


Joe Judge revels in a new network meta-analysis looking at placebo for depression published in BMC Medicine, which has been supplemented by a series of commentaries and blogs. Thought-provoking stuff!

[read the full story...]

Art therapy for schizophrenia: an effective add-on treatment?


The MATISSE trial in 2012 concluded that group art therapy did no better than standard care at improving symptoms for people with schizophrenia. A new critique of that RCT from the British Association of Art Therapists says the therapy can be more useful.

[read the full story...]

Childhood nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking and psychotic experiences


I was a terrible sleeper as a child. I remember lying awake on one particular occasion because I had read a book about space and thought that the sun might swallow up the earth. I was intrigued then, when I was asked to review a paper for the Mental Elf about parasomnias and childhood psychotic [read the full story…]

Service user perspectives on individual CBT for psychosis


I have been procrastinating about writing this blog for a while. This is, in part, caused by hesitancy about involving myself in the CBT for psychosis (CBTp) debate. Regular readers of the Mental Elf will be aware that in recent months Jauhar and colleagues presented results of a meta-analysis that called into question the effectiveness [read the full story…]

Which psychological therapies work best for borderline personality disorder?


This systematic review of psychological therapies for borderline personality disorder (BPD), conducted in Spain, takes an interesting approach to reviewing the literature. Unfortunately, there appear to have been challenges in translating the systematic review from Spanish and the text can be difficult to follow at times. This is a real shame as it is an [read the full story…]