Jill Manthorpe is Professor of Social Work and Director of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health & Social Care Workforce at King's College London, Associate Director of the NIHR School for Social Care Research, and social care theme lead of the NIHR Applied Research Collaborative (ARC) South London. She is working with colleagues on a major five phase COVID-19 workforce study: https://www.hscworkforcestudy.co.uk/
Jill Manthorpe considers the findings of interviews with mental health social workers about their experiences of secondment to integrated care services.
Jill Manthorpe welcomes a recent paper by Bows & Westmarland, which provides a very useful summary of research about the rape and sexual violence committed against older women in the UK.
Jill Manthorpe examines a study on social work student perspectives on defensive practice and finds that fear and organisational culture play a role and that this can effect service user and family engagement.
Jill Manthorpe looks at a study on access to justice for victims of elder abuse and considers the implications for adult safeguarding practice and the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal policy.