Jill Hughes

Profile photo of Jill Hughes
Jill is an Advanced Social Work Professional in the Young Adults Team in Worcestershire, UK, which manages transitions for young people with disabilities and complex health needs between Children’s Services and Adult Services. She has led on Practice Development Groups, facilitated reflective and interactive supervision in both one-to-one and group sessions, and she has a particular interest in personalisation and person-centred planning. Jill also provides sessional lectures to students completing access courses, BA and MA studies at the University of Worcester and Heart of Worcestershire College. Jill's first book "Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with Disabilities" is due to be published in June 2015 by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


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Why multi-agency working, not accommodation type, is the key to better outcomes for people with epilepsy

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Around half of all people with a learning disability have epilepsy and there are significant concerns about the impact of non-compliance with prescribed medications, which is linked with increased morbidity.

In her debut blog, Jill Hughes reflects on a study which set out to see if there was a link between the living arrangements of people with learning disabilities and compliance with anti-epileptic medication regimes.

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