Isabela Troya

Isabela is a Post-Doctoral Researcher on the Irish Health Research Board funded programme ‘Individual and Area Level Determinants of Self-Harm and Suicide in Ireland: Enhancing Prediction, Risk Assessment and Management of Self-Harm by Health Services’.
She trained and qualified as a Clinical Psychologist (2015) at University San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, and completed an MSc in Global Mental Health (2016) at King’s College London and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her PhD thesis, titled ‘Understanding self-harm behaviour in older adults was awarded PhD prize of the year (2020) by the UK's Society for Academic Primary Care.
In her current role, Isabela manages and co-leads the development and implementation of an advanced skills training for health professionals supporting people who self-harm: Self-harm Assessment and Management Programme for General Hospitals (SAMAGH) Training Programme.
A Post-Doctoral Researcher at the School of Public Health, UCC and the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF), Isabela contributes NSRF's activities as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Surveillance and Research in Suicide Prevention, which include supporting the development of the first multi-centre surveillance system for self-harm and suicide prevention in 2 countries: Russia and Ecuador.