Ian Hamilton

Profile photo of Ian Hamilton
Ian is associate professor in addiction at the University of York. Ian trained and worked as a mental health nurse in South London, working with people who had a severe mental health problems and used drugs or alcohol problematically.


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Alcohol: a drug in a class of its own


Ian Hamilton summarises a systematic review published last week, which explores the role of alcohol use and drinking patterns in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality.

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Cheers Covid-19: Will we consume more alcohol during this crisis?


Ian Hamilton reflects on the empty shelves in the Supermarket alcohol aisle and wonders how our relationship with alcohol might change during the Coronavirus pandemic.

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The global drug problem: who cares? #LxAddictions19


Ian Hamilton shares his thoughts on the new Drug Use series published yesterday in The Lancet: The global drug problem – change but not progression.

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Can contingency management help people with psychosis give up cannabis? The CIRCLE trial


Ian Hamilton summarises the recently published CIRCLE trial, which looks at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of contingency management for cannabis use in early psychosis.

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We know how to reduce premature deaths from co-morbid mental health and substance use problems, so why aren’t we doing anything about it?


Ian Hamilton looks at a Swedish 42-year follow-up study, which looks at the impact that psychiatric comorbidity can have on premature death in a cohort of patients with substance use disorders.

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Inhaling evidence about tobacco and psychosis


Ian Hamilton explores a recent Finnish study of adolescent tobacco smoking and the risk of psychosis, which found that young people aged 15-16 who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day were three times more likely to have psychosis by the time they reached age 30.

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What do we know about women, cannabis and psychosis?


Ian Hamilton and Suzi Gage explain why we know so little about the relationship between cannabis and severe mental illness in women.

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Non-medical use of prescription drugs #NonMedicalDrugs


Ian Hamilton and Julia Buxton from the University of York preview the #NonMedicalDrugs event that will take place in York on Friday 16th March 2018.

The meeting will bring together people who can offer personal and professional insights of the extent of the issue and how we can support people who develop problems.

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WHO cares? Treatment coverage for substance use disorders: results from 26 countries


Ian Hamilton reports on an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys, which estimates treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders.

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Dual diagnosis guidance: money talks when it comes to drugs, alcohol and mental illness

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Ian Hamilton shares his thoughts on the new PHE dual diagnosis guidance: Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions.

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