Ella Tuominen

Profile photo of Ella Tuominen
Ella is a PhD student on the UCL Wellcome Trust PhD in Mental Health Science programme. She has a keen interest in both psychological and pharmacological mental health interventions. Her current research looks at the cognitive mechanisms of psychological therapy modalities and their impact on anxiety symptoms, such as avoidance behaviour. She has also been involved in developing mental health applications and studying their usability and feasibility. Outside of academia, she has volunteered and worked with a range of different mental health related services and charities such as Nightline, Psycare, Buchan Community Farm and the Refugee Therapy Centre. Ella is passionate about efficient science communication and the translation of research into policy and practice. Ella is interested in blogging about both psychological and pharmacological mental health interventions and their impact on treatment outcomes, decision-making and cognition; i.e., novel pharmacological interventions (psychedelics, ketamine, psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy), third wave psychological therapies (ACT, MBCBT, CBT), mental health online and mobile applications, social media, and climate anxiety.


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Childhood adversity and adult depression: Psychoanalysis vs CBT


Ella Tuominen looks at a study of childhood adversity and ‘treatment resistant depression’ and asks: Can long-term psychoanalytic therapy provide deeper healing for chronic depression than CBT?

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From climate anxiety to climate action: developing global mental health recommendations


Ella Tuominen considers a set of new global recommendations for action on climate change and mental health across sectors including healthcare, research, policy, and third sector organisations.

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Long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression: not cost-effective compared to treatment as usual


In her debut blog, Ella Tuominen considers the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS), which evaluated the cost-effectiveness of long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for treatment resistant depression compared to treatment as usual.

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