Eimear Foley

Profile photo of Eimear Foley
Éimear is an Elf Coordinator for The Mental Elf. She is responsible for our blogs on biological psychiatry, molecular psychiatry, and genetics. As a member of the #BeyondTheRoom team, she is also involved in event coordination and the live tweeting, blogging, podcasting, and streaming of international health events. Éimear is also a Senior Research Associate in Immunopsychiatry at the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit. Her research focuses primarily on the role of inflammation in major psychiatric disorders, particularly depression and schizophrenia, using epidemiological cohort studies, genetic analysis, and experimental medicine approaches. She has a background in the fields of psychology, cognitive and clinical neuroscience, and neuropsychology.


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Blood-based inflammatory markers in acute vs chronic schizophrenia


Éimear Foley summarises a recent meta-analysis, which looks at alteration patterns of peripheral concentrations of cytokines and associated inflammatory proteins in acute and chronic stages of schizophrenia.

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Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for depression


In her debut blog, Éimear Foley reviews a recent meta-analysis that identifies possible differences between people experiencing depression and healthy controls.

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