Dhea Bengardi

Profile photo of Dhea Bengardi
I am Chinese-Indonesian and have been in the UK since 2018, having moved here for my undergraduate degree. I received my B.A. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford and my MsC in Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice from UCL/Anna Freud. Since graduating from my masters, I have worked as an assistant psychologist in North East London NHS Foundation Trust Mental Health Support Team. Currently, I am an assistant psychologist in Southend-Essex-Thurrock CAMHS.


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Guidelines for involving young people with lived experience in suicide research


Dhea Bengardi summarises a Delphi study that involved lived experience and researcher stakeholders in developing a comprehensive set of guidelines for involving youth with lived and living experience of suicide in suicide research.

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Childhood neglect: the neglected trauma? 


Dhea Bengardi summarises a systematic review exploring the prevalence of different types of neglect across a wide variety of mental health conditions.

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