Alveolar ridge preservation: limited evidence for current techniques


This Cochrane review identified 8 RCTs of alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) techniques. They provide limited evidence that ARP minimises overall changes in residual ridge height and width six months after extraction.

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Oral Cancer diagnosis: biopsy and histology still best method

herpetic ulcer on tongue

This Cochrane review of adjunctive diagnostic tests for oral cancer included 41 studies assessing vital staining, cytology, and light-based tests. The available studies were of poor quality detection with none of the tests being considered as a replacement for the currently used standard of a scalpel biopsy and histological assessment.

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Developmental defects 
of enamel and caries are they associated?


This review includes 7 cross-sectional studies and suggests that those with developmental enamel defects have more dental caries with a pooled odds ratio OR = 2.21 (95% CI; 1.3 – 3.54).

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Dental bond strength improves with enamel etching


This review of 10 in-vitro studies suggests that bond strength is improved by the use of multi-mode adhesives with prior acid etching only for enamel. This improvement was not seen with mild universal adhesives in dentine.

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Toothbrushing, plaque removal and gingivitis


The aim of this review was to appraise and summarise systematic reviews of the efficacy and safety of available homecare toothbrush regimens for mechanical plaque removal on plaque and gingivitis in adults. Ten systematic reviews were included confirming that toothbrushing is effective in reducing levels of dental plaque.

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Toothbrushing: little data on association with gingival recession


This review considered the association between toothbrushing and gingival recession and non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs). 19 studies were included a majority (13) were cross-sectional and they provide limited data to support or refute the associations.

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Direct pulp capping in permanent teeth more successful with MTA


This review compared direct pulp capping in permanent teeth with MTA and calcium hydroxide including 13 studies, 10 of which were RCTs. The odds of success were higher with MTA, OR = 2.26; (95% CI, 1.33–3.85).

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Elf Break


The Dental Elf is taking a short break and will be back on the 25th May

Temporomandibular disorders: is botulinum toxin effective?

Botulinum toxin

This review of botulinum toxin (BTX) for treating temporomandibular disorders identified 5 RCTs involving a total of 117 patients. There was marked heterogeneity between the studies and the therapeutic benefits are unclear. Well reported high quality RCTs are needed.

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Dental implants: smokers have poorer outcomes suggests review


This review of the impact of smoking on dental implants had broad inclusion criteria and included 107 studies. The findings suggest smoking affects implant failure rates, incidence of postoperative infections, as well as the marginal bone loss.

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