Seasons Greetings
Christmas and the New Year is a busy period for us Elves, so we will be taking a short break from blogging over the festive period. Our monthly newsletter will be going out to subscribers soon and we will be back on the 5th January 2015.
Many thanks to all our regular readers and followers
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
[read the full story...]Dental implants: review suggests high survival rates at over 10 years
This review of dental implant studies with 10 years or more follow up found average survival rates of 94.6% (range 73.4%- 100%). The lowest rate 73.4% was seen in the study with the longest follow up period (20 years).
[read the full story...]Inferior alveolar nerve injury following bilateral sagittal split osteotomy lacks standardised assessment procedures and reporting says review
As this review looks as potential harms from bilateral sagittal split osteotomy a wide range of study designs were included. However, the majority relied on subjective assessment of Inferior alveolar nerve injury so a standardised assessment and reporting procedure is needed.
[read the full story...]Orthodontic forces: insufficient evidence of their effect on the dental pulp
This review of the effect of orthodontic forces on the dental pulp identified only a limited number of small studies none of which were of high quality. Consequently there is insufficient scientific evidence of the effect of orthodontic forces on the dental pulp.
[read the full story...]Dental implants placed in fresh sockets have higher failure rates suggests review
This review of survival rates of dental implants placed in fresh extraction sockets included 73 studies. However the majority were retrospective with only 5 small RCTs and 26 controlled trials. While the findings suggest that failure rates are higher in extraction sockets the evidence should be interpreted with caution.
[read the full story...]Shortened dental arch: trial suggests it improves quality of life more than conventional treatment using removable partial dentures
This study suggests that treatment based on SDA concept led to better quality of life compared with treatment based on RPDs up to 12 months after treatment.
[read the full story...]Oral health literacy: current tools biased towards word recognition, numeracy and reading skills
This scoping review identified 14 oral health literacy tools identified 14 tools but most were biased to word recognition rather than health behaviours and service utilisation. Recently tools have incorporated incorporate other aspects considered important, including decision making and service navigation.
[read the full story...]Overdentures: scarce evidence to assess 1- versus 2 dental implant support
This review compared the survival of mandibular overdentures supported by 1- or 2- implants. Only two small RCTs were identified that suggest no difference between 1- or 2- implants. However only a small number of patients were included in these trials so the evidence is weak and more high quality trials are required.
[read the full story...]Dental implants: survey found that patients had high levels of satisfaction with implant-supported restorative treatment
This large Swedish questionnaire survey conducted on a random sample of patients achieved a high response rate (83%) . Those who had received dental implant supported restorative treatment reported very high levels of satisfaction (94%). However, 31% had experienced implant related complications although only 6% reported that these complications occurred frequently.
[read the full story...]Dental implants: are survival rates for tilted and axially placed implants similar?
This review included 44 studies (25 prospective, 19 retrospective) and suggests that survival rates for tilted and axially dental implants are similar. However the findings should be treated with caution because of the limited quality of the available evidence.
[read the full story...]