Dean is a final year medical student at UCL, having completed preclinical studies at Cambridge, where they intercalated in Experimental Psychology.
They have since been awarded two national RCPsych essay prizes, published and presented internationally on addictions among LGBT+ people. Their focus is the mental health of those who identify as queer and/or transgender and how sociocultural inequalities that specifically affect this group of people impact mental health/substance misuse, the availability of care and the ability of LGBT+ individuals to engage in care within the current system.
People diagnosed with “personality disorders” are likely to also experience alcohol problems.
Dean Connolly summarises a recent systematic review that confirms the very high prevalence of comorbid personality disorders and alcohol use disorders.
Dean Connolly looks at an international study which asks: Is there consensus across evidence-based guidelines for the psychotropic drug management of bipolar disorder during the perinatal period?
Dean Connolly is impressed by a recent systematic review and network meta-analysis, which compares the efficacy and tolerability of medication for ADHD in children, young people and adults.
Dean Connolly explores a Danish register-based cohort study, which investigates the risk of mental health problems in offspring of parents with a history of homelessness during childhood and adolescence.
Dean Connolly considers a recent review of research into gender identity in young people, which focuses particularly on treatment paradigms and controversies.
Dean Connolly publish their debut blog on a literature review of transgender research, which reports on the prevalence of mental illness in the transgender population.