David Trickey

David Trickey currently works as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Specialist Trauma and Maltreatment Service at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, London (AFNCCF), where he is also the co-director of the UK Trauma Council. He has specialised in working with traumatised children, young people and their families since 2000. He continues to focus on direct clinical work and the training and supervision of other clinicians working with traumatised children and young people. He regularly offers training and consultation, he presents at international conferences, and he supervises doctoral research. He acts as an expert witness in civil and criminal cases in the area of children and trauma particularly those bereaved by family homicide. He was a member of the committee responsible for the 2018 revision of the NICE Guidelines for PTSD. In all of his roles he draws heavily on the published research literature, to which he has made a small contribution.