Clarissa Giebel

Profile photo of Clarissa Giebel
Dr Clarissa Giebel is Senior Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool, and her research focuses on enabling people with dementia to live well and be independent at home for longer. She is particularly interested in addressing inequalities in accessing and using post-diagnostic dementia care, both nationally and internationally. Passionate about making research easily accessible for everyone, she is hosting the Liverpool Dementia & Ageing Research Forum and her own science podcast The Ageing Scientist (link:


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The Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale is a good tool for diagnosing dementia in multicultural populations


Clarissa Giebel summarises a systematic review, which concludes that the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) has good sensitivity (77.2%) and specificity (85.9%) for diagnosing dementia in multicultural populations.

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A multitude of systematic reviews on dementia diagnosis


Clarissa Giebel highlights 5 new Cochrane reviews on dementia diagnosis, focusing on the Mini-Cog, IQCODE and MMSE diagnostic tests.

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What makes dementia care home staff happy at work?


Clarissa Giebel looks at a paper by fellow blogger, Jill Manthorpe, and explores findings on what makes dementia care home staff happy in their jobs.

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Can telecare be cost effective and improve quality of life?


Clarissa Giebel tackles a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of telecare assistive technology and examines the findings on cost effectiveness and quality of life.

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Mini-Cog for dementia diagnosis in the community


Clarissa Giebel writes her debut Mental Elf blog about a recent Cochrane systematic review of the Mini-Cog for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease dementia and other dementias within a community setting.

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BME communities and self-management of long term conditions


Clarissa Giebel considers a systematic review on user-led self-management of long term conditions for black and minority ethnic (BME) communities and weighs up what the findings mean for BME people living with chronic conditions in the UK.

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'Strategies for Relatives': improving mental health for family carers of people with dementia


In her latest blog, Clarissa Giebel examines research into the effectiveness of the ‘Strategies for Relatives’ psychological and educational training programme for family carers of people with dementia and explores what the findings might mean for wider programme implementation.

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Advance care planning for people with advanced dementia

It's important that practitioners don't let dementia get in the way of other health problems, such as depression or anxiety. 

Clarissa Giebel, Researcher and PhD student at the University of Manchester, writes her debut Elf blog on a qualitative study about the experiences of advance care planning amongst family caregivers of people with advanced dementia.

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