Bibire Baykeens

Profile photo of Bibire Baykeens
Bibire is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Plymouth who is interested in pursuing a career in psychiatry. She is the 2020/21 president of the Plymouth Psychiatry Society and one of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ 2020/21 Psych Stars. Bibire is passionate about mental health and the provision of high-quality mental health services, particularly in areas with a high index of multiple deprivation (IMD). Her areas of interest include neuropsychiatry, BAME mental health, and CAMHS. In her spare time, Bibire enjoys reading, cooking, and dance.


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Are we Improving Access to Psychological Treatment for everyone?


Bibire Baykeens reviews a general population cohort study which suggests that recent migrants are less likely to use the Improving Access to Psychological Treatment programme.

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The ‘syndemics’ theory: a better explanation for ethnic disparities in the incidence and prevalence of psychosis?


Today Bibire Baykeens looks into ethnic disparities in psychotic experiences explained by area-level syndemic effects; a brand new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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